
electric forklift manufacturers: reasons for not wanting to work overtime

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    Published by NEWTON April 22,2024

    electric forklift manufacturers

    Overtime is very common in the workplace, and it has become a common phenomenon, but today's migrant workers don't like to work overtime, under what circumstances can they work overtime, then why is it common to not want to work overtime now? Absolutely, overtime is also divided into many situations, electric forklift manufacturers can say the current overtime situation.

    In the first case, why do we work overtime? If your work is not finished, there should be no complaints when you work overtime to do your own work. When we were young, our teachers and parents taught us to finish our own things before we can go. do something else,Electric forklift manufacturers said that overtime work is also a reason for us. If you want to do your own thing, we must finish the work in our own hands.

    electric forklift manufacturers

    In the second case, if the project is very tense and in a hurry, it can be done if you can’t stay to work overtime. You can add a while within a reasonable range of overtime, but we have paid the results of our labor and we definitely need some benefits. Yes, electric forklift manufacturers feel that they can give some overtime pay accordingly, so that employees do not have too many complaints and do not understand, and they can complete things together in harmony.

    The third situation is being forced to work overtime. In this case, it is actually very sad. The work is completed and the project is not in a hurry. However, the method of making overtime work is not very reasonable. Working people also need a little bit of freedom. Time, but some people say: "You can work overtime even if you have enough money." It's actually true. You must come to work for money, and it's not entirely possible to earn a little more. Electric forklift manufacturers say that we need to look at the problem from many aspects. It must be effective, and do not do useless overtime.

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