
What safety training is needed for electric storage forklift drivers ?


Published by NEWTON May 28,2020

Before being able to drive a forklift proficiently, the driver of an electric storage forklift has to have a special training like driving a motor vehicle. The main content is about driving safety. We also follow the trend and talk to you about related issues. Before operation, driver friends need to know a lot of precautions. This requires professional training before they can take the job. Then, what are the safety training for electric storage forklift drivers?(forklift suppliers)

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Before driving an electric storage forklift, the driver must hold the relevant driving license to qualify for operation. Because the electric storage forklift can only be driven normally after being trained and approved by a professional. Look for signs on the vehicle that warn and operate forklift accessories, read them carefully and strictly implement them before operation.(forklift suppliers)

Before operating the equipment, the driver must have a certain understanding of the electric storage forklift. For example, check the lifting system to see if the front view is wide, and try to turn the rear wheel and turn the rear part of the vehicle to rotate outwards. Because the forklift has a large weight and is relatively sturdy in design, most of the weight falls on the front wheels under load, so the stability of the forklift is poor.(forklift suppliers)

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Before starting, check the work area and clean up any debris, debris, foreign objects that may puncture the tires or cause the cargo to lose balance. The driver checks whether there are any obstacles or personnel around the electric storage forklift, and then ensures that the parking brake device of the forklift is released, and the forward and backward handles are set to neutral. Do not get out of the forklift while it is running. Steps and handles.(forklift suppliers)

When driving an electric storage forklift, keep away from flammable materials and power cords, and lean back when loading. Once an abnormality is found in the operation of the forklift parts, it should be reported to the forklift maintenance staff in time and handled in time. It is forbidden to lift the cargo above the head to achieve balanced loading, and to ensure that the cargo is being loaded. Do not tilt the mast when the cargo is high. The cargo on the fork cannot be stacked too high. Do not lift unstable goods, use suitable pallets.(forklift suppliers)

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To avoid a fire, never fill the fuel tank while the electric storage forklift is still turning. Use proper attachments to properly park and store the electric forklift. The electric forklift is loaded with oversized cargo that obstructs sight, and is guided by a guide when driving in reverse, and can understand the meaning of hands, flags, whistle or other signals. Park the forklift on a level surface and apply the parking brake pedal.(forklift suppliers)

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